Wallace Library Strategic Plan, FY24-FY26

This strategic plan outlines Library Services' commitments to Wheaton College's six strategic priorities. It is intentionally designed to be flexible, adaptable, and responsive to campus needs. Items with an asterisk (*) specifically target inclusion, belonging, equity, and accessibility in their details.


  • Invest in library infrastructure changes to meet and anticipate increases in student body size

Curricular Innovation

  • Connect Wheaton community to scholarly resources *
  • Invest in AV technology to meet and anticipate curricular and cocurricular needs of the community *
  • Invest in services and staffing to meet and anticipate curricular needs of the community *
  • Connect with campus community, so they can visualize library role in curricular innovation *
  • Position the library as a leader in interdisciplinary teaching and learning connected to research *

Experiential Learning & Entrepreneurship

  • Improve student employment experience for Library and Media Services students
  • Create permanent experiential opportunities *

Global Education

  • Invest in technologies to facilitate global engagement *
  • Attend to the virtual entrance to the library and ensure Wallace Library is visible to outside world *

Wellness & Retention

  • Improve student employment experience for Library and Media Services students (see details above)
  • Provide a consistent programming schedule that fosters student & campus engagement with Wallace Library *
  • Lead the campus in addressing textbook affordability and other social justice issues *
  • Create consistency in the delivery of digital course materials
  • Make incremental facilities updates to address accessibility/ADA barriers *
  • Make incremental facilities updates to Wallace Library to create wider variety of spaces for students, staff, and faculty to use for individual, group, and class purposes *

Financial Stewardship and Sustainability

  • Develop a long term financial plan for larger projects *
  • Leverage consortial memberships to save the college money