Madeleine Clark Wallace Library

Profile Photo
Andy Zukoski
Balfour-Hood 208
Andy is a Media Services Technician at Wheaton College. He most recently graduated from Brown University with a degree in music, with a personal curricular and extracurricular emphasis on music production/audio engineering. As a student, he held multiple jobs as a studio tech for Brown's recording studios, production assistant, podcast editor, TA for a studio techniques course, and more. He also worked as a studio assistant at a recording studio for over half a year.

In his free time, he enjoys music, games, basketball, and reading. He is a drummer in a metal band, ambient music producer, bassist, and pianist.

He is always open to talking about audio, music, and more!

My Guides

I have not published any guides yet - please check back soon!

My Subject Specialties

No subject specialties have been selected.