Madeleine Clark Wallace Library

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Charlotte Knight (she/her)
Wallace Library G18
(508) 286-3222
Charlotte Knight is the Discovery Librarian at Wallace Library. As part of the Discovery & Access team, she works to maximize cross-system functionality, partnering with colleagues to optimize all aspects of the discovery of and access to electronic and physical resources with the goal of providing seamless, user-friendly library services in a community that prioritizes inclusion and belonging.

Charlotte holds an MS in Library and Information Science from Drexel University. She also received a BA in Art History with a minor in Anthropology from Douglass College, Rutgers University.

My Guides

About the Library
Last update: Jul 11, 2024 1125 views
Last update: Jan 22, 2024 1285 views
For Faculty
Last update: Feb 8, 2024 485 views

My Subject Specialties

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